The Company’s Internal Audit function is performed by the Internal Audit Unit. In carrying out its roles, the Internal Audit Unit strives to the position as a trusted strategic partner by the management, working professionally, objectively and independently. The Internal Audit Unit assists the President Director in assessing the effectiveness of the internal control system, risk management, and corporate governance processes and provides recommendations for improvements. In addition, the Internal Audit Unit also assists the Board of Commissioners through the Audit Committee in carrying out its supervisory functions.
Garnis Nurdita
Garnis Nurdita serves as the Head of the Internal Audit Unit based on Board of Directors Decree No. 042/HRD/MNCKI/II/24 dated February 27, 2024. Prior to joining the Company, he worked at PT Bank BCA Tbk (2019-2022) as an Assistant Customer Relationship Officer and at PT Indomobil Finance (2017-2019) as an Internal Auditor.
The Internal Audit Unit is led by the Head of the Internal Audit Unit appointed and dismissed by the President Director with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. The appointment, replacement, or dismissal of the Head of the Internal Audit Unit will be reported immediately to the authority authorized to regulate and supervise the Company’s business activities.
The Company has appointed Garnis Nurdita as Head of the Internal Audit Unit, which was appointed by the President Director based on the Decree No. 042/HRD/MNCKI/II/24 dated February 27, 2024.