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MNC Bank Held EGMS, Shareholders Approve Rights Issue and Appointment of New Director

4 October 2022

Jakarta, 4 October 2022

PT Bank MNC Internasional Tbk (BABP or MNC Bank) held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS). There were two agendas in the EGMS led by MNC Bank’s President Commissioner (Independent), Ponky N. Pudijanto, namely changes in the composition of the Board of Directors and approval of capital increase through Rights Issuance.

In the EGMS, BABP shareholders accepted Teddy Tee’s resignation from the Director position, and also approved the appointment of Thomas Hartono Tulus as the Vice President Director.

Thomas Hartono Tulus is not a newcomer in the banking industry, with a track record of more than 25 years, among others, having served at ABN AMRO, UOB, QNB, and his latest position as President Director of Finmas (2020-2022). Thomas Hartono Tulus’ tenure will be effective after passing the fit and proper test from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).