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MNC Peduli Held A Free Cleft Lips Surgery in Tasikmalaya

29 April 2018 .

TASIKMALAYA – MNC Peduli held again a social event, a free cleft lip and palate surgery. This time, in collaboration with Tasik Medika Citratama Hospital, Tasikmalaya (TMC Hospital), this social activity is intended for the underprivileged community in Tasikmalaya and surrounding areas.

The activity held on Saturday, April 28, 2018, for approximately 24 patients who pass the medical examination.

The registered patients are from Tasikmalaya city and some sub-districts such as Cisayong, Bantarkalong, Kawalu, Langensari, Padekembang, and Cigalontan and some are from outside Tasikmalaya such as Banjar, Pangandaran, Garut and Ciamis.

The Chairman III of MNC Peduli Jessica Tanoesoedibjo hopes that this program will help the patient to be more confident in their activities. He also mentioned similar social activities will be held also in several regions in the country.

“After Tasikmalaya, our closest plans will be to two cities in North Sumatra for cataract surgery, and we will go to other parts of Indonesia,” she explained.

Meanwhile, TMC Hospital representatives, dr. M. Ihsan Ramdhani, MARS, AAAK who is also the Deputy Director of Service appreciates this social action because the cooperation for this surgery is very positive and the benefits are felt by the underprivileged community, so it is expected that this cooperation can extend to other forms of surgical treatment.

“For people who have a cleft in lips and palate, can still register their family to TMC Hospital,” he said.

Nana, one of the parents of the patients is very helped and happy with this free cleft lip surgery program held by MNC Peduli in collaboration with TMC Hospital Tasikmalaya.

For viewers who want to distribute their donations, can send to the bank account of Yayasan Jalinan Kasih and hopefully your donation will ease the burden of others. The bank account number as below:

– MNC BANK: 100-01-00000-9851-5
– MANDIRI: 103-00099-0000-8
– BRI: 0206-01-005001-30-8
– BCA: 681-5088-119
Account holder name: Yayasan Jalinan Kasih.

For those who want to apply for medical, can contact to phone no: 021-3983-6962, 021-3909-103, 021-3912-013 or opening fans page on Facebook with “Yayasan Jalinan Kasih” account.

Sumber: www.okezone.com