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10 November 2020
Jakarta – The National Hero’s Day, which commemorated every 10th of November, holds the right moment to commemorate the heroes who have fought for the country’s independence. To honor the heroes, we can contribute with the expertise we have. In the capital market industry, millennial investors can become heroes of the capital market by becoming smart and active investors.
Susy Meilina, the President Director of MNC Sekuritas, explained that MNC Sekuritas realizes that Indonesia’s future is in the younger generation’s hands, including young investors. Thus, the presence of an Investment Gallery is expected to be a learning facility for potential investors. This is reflected through the growing number of investors from the Investment Gallery.
“The transaction value as recorded in the MNC Sekuritas online trading platform has grown very significant this year. Until October 2020, it has increased 83% year-on-year,” said Susy.
To support the increase of young investors through the Investment Gallery, MNC Sekuritas took the initiative to be a pioneer in breaking the MURI record for “The Most Virtual Investment Galleries Inauguration in One Day.” The MURI record-breaking was carried out by simultaneously involving 13 (thirteen) Investment Galleries from 9 (nine) cities on Wednesday (10/11), coincided with the commemoration of National Heroes’ Day.
The Senior Operational Manager of MURI, Triyono, handed over a MURI record-breaking certificate to the Director of Business Development of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Hasan Fawzi and the President Director of MNC Sekuritas Susy Meilina. This event was also witnessed virtually by the Executive Chairman of MNC Group Hary Tanoesoedibjo, President Commissioner of the Indonesia Stock Exchange John Aristianto Prasetio, President Director of PT MNC Kapital Indonesia Tbk Wito Mailoa, President Director of Indonesian Central Securities Depository Uriep Budhi, President Director of Indonesian Clearing and Guarantee Corporation Sunandar, and President Director of Indonesia SIPF Narotama Aryanto.
“This is not the first MURI record-breaking by MNC Sekuritas. This was the fourth MURI record-breaking by the company. The inauguration feels so special because it is carried out simultaneously by involving 13 Investment Galleries located in 9 cities. Until now, we have 104 Investment Gallery points and a total of 143 points of sales nationally including branch offices and representative offices of the IDX,” explained Susy.
In addition, representatives of the Investment Gallery that are partners to MNC Sekuritas also participated in the event, including:
1. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Prof. Dr. Drs. Bambang Supriyono, MS
2. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, Prof. Dr. H. Eeng Ahman, MS.
3. Chancellor of Universitas Agung Podomoro Jakarta, Bacelius Ruru, SH, LL.M.
4. Dean of FISIP Univ. HaluOleo Kendari, Dr. Latarifu, S.Pd, M.Si
5. Chancellor of Univ. Satya Negara Indonesia Jakarta, Dra. Merry L. Panjaitan, MM., MBA.
6. Chancellor of Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo, Dr. dr. Muhammad Isman Jusuf, SP.S
7. Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Univ. Muria Kudus, Dr. H. Mochamad Edris, Drs., MM
8. Dean of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Bengkulu, Dr. Amancik, SH., M.Hum.
9. Chancellor of Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang, Dr. Klemens Mere, S.E., M.Pd., M.M., MH, MAP.
10. UNDHIRA Chancellor, Dr. I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, SE, M.MA., MA
11. Vice Chancellor III of Universitas Tamansiswa, Yevendri, SH., MH
12. Director of Elizabeth International, I Nyoman Sukadana, S.E., MM, CHE., CBC.
13. CEO of Ana Wonua Group, Rusmin Abdul Gani, SE
On that occasion, the Director of Business Development of the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Hasan Fawzi, revealed that this MURI record-breaking is hoped for moving the nation’s economy. He appreciated the achievement in the form of the simultaneous inauguration carried out by the Indonesia Stock Exchange and MNC Sekuritas. Hasan said the Indonesian capital market had shown a significant increase in the past few years.
“Until now, there are 1.45 million stock investors in Indonesia. The highest growth record in one year with an increase of more than 31% compared to the end of 2019,” explained Hasan.
Founder of MURI, Jaya Suprana, expressed his admiration for MNC Sekuritas’s achievements today. Jaya hopes that the Investment Gallery’s inauguration can become a capital market education centre for the academic community, students, and the community throughout the campus.
“MNC Sekuritas is a local securities company that aspires to be a host in its country. They have the initiative to make a breakthrough by continuously creating positive news for Indonesian capital market. On this day, MNC Sekuritas took the initiative to carry out an online inauguration for no less than 13 IDX Investment Galleries simultaneously in one day. This inauguration is expected to create enthusiasm for investment so that it can be nurtured from an early age. Congratulations on the record of online inauguration of 13 IDX Investment Galleries simultaneously in one day,” said Jaya.
In addition, MNC Sekuritas has previously broken three MURI records. These awards include; The Most Capital Market Application Logins by Investors along with the Indonesian Central Securities Depository, The Securities Company that Opened the Most Branches in a Year, namely 44 new branches throughout 2016, and the Most Stock Investor Creation in One College as many as 3,300 new stock investors at the Universitas Nusa Cendana, Nusa Tenggara Timur.